Gourmet Gorillas were at Bentley Village Hall on Saturday 2nd April. This is one of our favourite venues.  The staff  are always so helpful, the outdoor space is terrific and once again the hall was beautifully decorated, especially for the wedding day.

The Gorillas cooked a vegetarian selection for the non meat eaters.  The very popular vegetable halloumi, together with Vegan Burgers and sausages and corn on the cob. Once the vegetarian guests had eaten, we then opened this up to the rest of the guests. The burgers we use are top quality and all the carnivores who sampled them were appreciative!

The main event was the delicious Hog Roast. Ian had been up that morning at 3.30 to cook it long and slow. The meat as always was succulent and delicious. For those who are watching the carbs, we had pots of meat topped with apple sauce.

The happy couple are off to Rome for the honeymoon, we’ll think of them as we are scouring the pans and washing up…not very jealous!