Kings coronation catering

Thinking about catering options for the Kings Coronation on Saturday 6th May 2023 through to the bank holiday on Monday 8th May?

The last major Royal celebration for Gourmet Gorillas was last year when we helped cater for the Queens Jubilee in and around Worcestershire. We made that jubilee weekend spectacular by cooking Hog roasts, BBQ’s and Paellas.

Hog Roasts

If you are planning a Street Party and need a succulent Hog Roast and vegetarian options such as pulled Jackfruit then contact Gourmet Gorillas. Decide quickly though, as we are taking lots of bookings now for May.

Hog Roasts are so popular,. We have been cooking them now for over 15 years and they never fail to hit the spot. The Hog is roasted slowly for around 8 hours, so the meat is really succulent and it is all served in fresh white rolls, accompanied by sage and onion stuffing and apple sauce.

The crackling can be a major event in itself! We have got this down to a fine art. The crackling is all cooked separately and then crisped off to perfection at the last minute.

Vegetarian alternative

For most Gourmet Gorilla Hog Roasts we are also asked to provide an alternative for an increasing amount of vegetarian and vegan guests. We have developed a recipe in-house, that is proving to be really popular. Pulled Jackfruit cooked with onions, long and slow in a home made BBQ sauce and finished with sriracha sauce. This is accompanied with home made coleslaw (also suitable for vegans) which cuts through the jackfruit and tastes delicious.  It looks very much like the Hog Roast rolls. Best of all, any vegetarian and vegan choices, are always cooked separately, using totally separate equipment and utensils.

Call Gourmet Gorillas  if you are planning catering for the Kings coronation in Worcestershire or Warwickshire.